Beyond HFR: Advancing Passenger Rail Across Canada

By Transport Action | Major Reports

Oct 17
Report covers Beyond HFR - Au-delà du TGF

The Beyond HFR report was researched and prepared between July 2023 and July 2024, in response to a question raised in a meeting between Transport Action and the Parliamentary All-Party Rail Caucus to discuss the state of passenger rail services both within and beyond the Quebec-Windsor corridor: If we could invest a billion dollars of new funding in Canada’s passenger rail infrastructure, where should we start?

This report examines opportunities for quick results and estimates costs for medium term investments in Canada’s rail infrastructure that would address congestion and bottlenecks in every region of the country. Such investments would allow a significant improvement in passenger service levels and reliability for conventional services beyond the proposed High Frequency Rail corridor, while supporting the movement of freight and the fluidity of Canada’s supply chains.

While the report was being prepared, the government of Alberta also announced its interest in reviving passenger rail services for Calgary and Edmonton, so these opportunities are explored in additional detail in the report.

Translation and distribution of the report in both official languages was made possible though generous support from Unifor.