Transport Action Canada, founded as Transport 2000 Canada in 1977, is the nation’s leading citizen transportation advocacy group. We represent the interests of consumers or users of public transport services in Canada. Here are some of the main issues that our advocacy work revolves around:

  • the development of rail passenger services in Canada;
  • the future of inter-city bus services and their connectivity to rail and air services; 
  • urban and commuter transit systems; 
  • the implications to consumers of the deregulated airline industry in Canada; 
  • the impact on the public interest of demands for new highway spending

We're here to help you get there.

We exist to advocate on your behalf so that the decision makers understand the needs of passengers, and follow through on what they promise. That new bus stop. That construction being complete. More bus or train times... So on. And we'd love to keep you in the loop.

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Canada Public Transit Fund begins accepting applications but won’t cover operating costs

Transport Action welcomes the opening of applications for the Canada Public Transit Fund, $3 billion annually for ten years. This funding should provide steady investment and enable long-term planning to meet growing transit needs.

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Canada Public Transit Fund begins accepting applications but won’t cover operating costs

Minister of Transport Pablo Rodriguez confirms long-distance fleet renewal

The Government of Canada made the announcement of funding to replace VIA Rail’s long-distance train fleet at Moncton station on July 11, 2024. This vital investment, which Transport Action has been campaigning for, was included in federal budget 2024. Minister of Transport Pablo Rodriguez was accompanied by local MPs Jenica Atwin and Ginette Petitpas Taylor,

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Minister of Transport Pablo Rodriguez confirms long-distance fleet renewal

VIA Rail’s Lumi train is a tribute to the Turbo. Will it go as fast?

VIA Rail named its most recently delivered Venture train Lumi in Montreal on July 10, 2024. The consist carries a striking yellow livery with a black window stripe and large VIA logo in white stretching across the locomotive and first business-class car. VIA Rail have confirmed that the design is partly intended as a tribute to the Turbo trains that operated between Toronto and Montreal until 1982.

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VIA Rail’s Lumi train is a tribute to the Turbo. Will it go as fast?

SW Ontario leaders welcome VIA’s new Venture trains

VIA Rail held events in London and Windsor on June 27, 2024 to welcome its new fleet to Southwestern Ontario. In attendance were MPs, mayors, councillors, economic development and tourism leaders, and many other local leaders including Transport Action members whose campaigning for a new train fleet and improved service in the region is now

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SW Ontario leaders welcome VIA’s new Venture trains

High Speed options, standards challenges for HFR

Graeme Hampshire, Project Director for High Frequency Rail, gave a presentation at the TRACCS Rail Day event in Toronto on June 19, 2024, discussing the project’s ambitions and current status, as well as challenges along the way.

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High Speed options, standards challenges for HFR

Parking charges coming to more VIA Rail stations

VIA Rail will introduce paid parking at more stations starting on June 10, 2024, affecting locations like Charny and Cobourg. Many small communities lack sufficient local transit alternatives, so this may deter passengers.

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Parking charges coming to more VIA Rail stations