Transport Action depends on memberships and donations. Without your support Transport Action would not be able to continue its education and advocacy work for public transport across Canada. Transport Action works toward ensuring that everyone in Canada has access to safe and reliable transport, including trains, buses and ferries, that are affordable and environmentally responsible.
Membership of Transport Action Canada is open to everyone, included transit users and bus and railway passengers from across Canada; municipalities, non-profits, labour unions, companies, and interest groups. Please use the form below to enroll securely online; or to join as a municipal, non-profit or corporate member and pay by cheque, please use our Corporate Membership Form.
Members of Transport Action Canada are automatically included in Transport Action’s regional associations in the Atlantic, Ontario, Prairies and BC.
Transport Action and its five regional associations (B.C., Prairie, Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic) meet regularly. Members and the general public have an opportunity to learn about issues of importance, to add their voices, and to raise issues of concern to them.
Encourage your friends to support, join and donate to Transport Action. Transport Action is a charitable organization and donations are also accepted (Charity registration number 11926 8571 RR0001).