One of the most powerful ways you can speak out for safe, affordable public transport for all Canadians is by writing to your local newspaper.
A Letter to the Editor is a short piece that you submit to your local paper, commenting on something they’ve recently published, or something that really matters to you. Newspaper editors select a handful of submissions to publish each week.
Anyone can do it – you don’t have to be an “expert” – and we’ve set up a tool on this page to give you the right contacts for your local papers and submit your letter. Click to get started.
Here are some easy steps to get started on writing your letter to the editor:
Celebrate and share the letter if they publish it; try again later if they don’t – and don’t take it personally, it takes a combination of persistence and luck to get a letter published.
Act fast. If you’re responding to something they’ve published or a story in the news, aim to submit within 1-2 days. Submitting something quickly is better than being a perfectionist.
Show your personality. If you can share a personal perspective on why you care about this issue, they want to hear it. “As a student…”; “As a parent…”; “I’ve had to give up driving for health reasons and I’m concerned that…”; “I was stranded in the middle of the night…”
Always write a fresh letter. Newspapers need authentic and unique content.
Photo: Earl Minnis – Canadian National Newsprint Car at Windsor, 1975