Category Archives for "Urban Transit"

Nov 07

Québec City tramway facing headwinds

By Harry Gow | Urban Transit

Preparatory groundworks have already begun for the Québec City tramway, with crews moving underground utilities to make way for the planned light rail line. That work has not silenced detractors, with Premier Legault making cryptic comments about the cost of the tramway, and Minister of Transport Geneviève Guilbault implying that federal support for the project, at […]

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Dec 01

Transport Action joins CUTRIC efforts for low-carbon mobility

By Transport Action | Intercity Rail and Bus , Urban Transit

Transport Action and some of our volunteers have been participating in conferences and events with the Canadian Urban Transit Research and Innovation Consortium (CUTRIC) over the past few years, and we have now formalized this relationship by becoming a member organization of the consortium, in order to collaborate on their Smart Rail Innovation Program. One […]

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Apr 28

Quebec City Tramway wins provincial backing

By Harry Gow | Quebec , Urban Transit

Canadian cities have been vying for federal funds and provincial support for expansionist transit capital projects. For years, debate has raged in Québec City over road projects and tram or bus projects without reaching any consensus.  Montréal has finally had a rush of investment, and Québec City was feeling left behind, so Québec Mayor Labeaume asked if his […]

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