Transport Action Canada invites all members and supporters to join us for our Annual General Meeting for 2023, with guest speakers Ian Hodkinson and Marco Chitti. The event is free and will be in hybrid format – you can join us in person in Ottawa, or attend online using Zoom from your computer or phone.
When: Saturday April 29, 2023, 2pm Eastern – 11am Pacific
Where: 211 Bronson Avenue, Ottawa – Room 222 and Online Zoom Webinar
Members and supporters can register for the public portion of the meeting using the following links. Members in good standing will receive a link to join the business portion of the meeting via email.
Building good transit costs money, so getting good value for public investment is crucial. The Transit Costs Project has explored why costs and going up in some countries more than others, and what can be done to control cost escalation.
Marco Chitti is a Fellow in the Transportation and Land Use program of the NYU Marron Institute, a licensed architect and urban planner.
With its green rail innovation centre recently opened at St. Bruno, the hydrogen-powered Coradia iLINT train to be tested in Quebec this summer, and Avelia Liberty trains being built for Amtrak, Alstom is a technology leader in the North American rail market.
Ian Hodkinson will discuss Alstom’s vision for faster, electrified High Frequency Rail in Canada.
The agenda will be as follows:
Business portion of the meeting, for members only:
Members in good standing will receive an invitation for the business portion of the meeting via email.
Financial statements and minutes of the last AGM are available to members before the meeting on request.
All members are entitled to vote at the meeting and any member may be nominated to serve on the board of directors. Please let us know by April 27th if you are interested. If you are unable to attend the meeting you may give a proxy to another member or to the Secretary of Transport Action Canada.