TRANSPORT ACTION CANADA and the CLEAN TRAIN COALITION have jointly released a rail electrification report for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA).
The report, entitled No Little Plan: Electrifying GO Transit, is written by Greg Gormick, a leading rail transportation and transit consultant and journalist. The report was jointly funded by the John McCullum fund of Transport Action Canada, and by the Canadian Auto Workers. It was commissioned to encourage the Government of Ontario to commit fully and promptly to a regional electric rail plan.
See the full press release (16 May 2011).
PDF versions of No Little Plan are available as follows – some of these files are large, please review the options and file sizes available before starting to download:
Complete report – Low-resolution, (7.7MB, PDF)
Complete report – High-resolution (38.7 MB, PDF)
High-resolution report, as a 4-part download (when combined, will represent the complete report):
Part1 (9,6 MB, PDF)
Part2 (11.6 MB, PDF)
Part3 (11.3 MB, PDF)
Part4 (11.2 MB, PDF)
Executive Summary: