BC Government has started consultations on two projects having major implications for transportation options in the Sea-to-Sky Corridor and on the Sunshine Coast

By admin | Aviation & Marine

Oct 24

By Rick Jelfs, Transport Action British Columbia

The BC Government has started consultations on two projects that have major implications for transportation options in the Sea-to-Sky Corridor and on the Sunshine Coast.

1) Transport Minister Stone and regional representatives kicked off a public consultation process discussing potential transit service improvements in the Sea-to-Sky corridor from Whistler/Pemberton to the Lower Mainland. Some details are available in the news article at  http://www.squamishchief.com/news/local-news/province-gets-behind-plan-to-expand-sea-to-sky-transit-1.2369970 . More information and an on-line survey are available at https://bctransit.com/seatosky .

2) The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure released a set of possible routings for fixed-link (highways and bridges) connections between Highway 99 and the Sunshine Coast, including Powell River. The links would replace existing Horseshoe Bay-Langdale and Earl’s Cove-Saltery Bay ferry services The proposals are all costed at $1.5 to 3.0 Billion plus. The news article at http://www.squamishchief.com/news/local-news/possible-squamish-to-sunshine-coast-fixed-link-discussed-1.2368835 offers some more details on the proposals.