Category Archives for "Media Releases"

Canjet C-FTCX Boeing 737-800. Photo by Abdallah Hussein from Montréal, Canada - CC BY 2.0
Nov 07

Rail advocates outraged by Garneau announcement

By admin | Aviation & Marine , Media Releases , National News

“With climate change on everyone’s mind, and transportation causing a huge percentage of greenhouse gas emissions, smart solutions are needed,” says the public transportation advocacy group’s president Bruce Budd. “And the smartest solution of all is the rail network we already have. Except for a brief passing reference to a feasibility study of high frequency rail service linking Toronto to Ottawa and Montreal, why has Minister Garneau virtually ignored VIA Rail Canada in his 2030 Vision?”

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Feb 05

“Let’s not forget the steel wheel in climate change” – Op/Ed piece in Hamilton Spectator

By Transport Action Ontario | Interurban Rail and Bus , Media Releases , Ontario

Transport Action Ontario board member Ken Westcar recently published the following Op-Ed piece in the Hamilton Spectator of  February 4, 2016.  It is reproduced below.   Our thanks to the Hamilton Spectator for publishing this article.   Let’s not forget the steel wheel in climate change Rail service The Canadian Press Ken Westcar argues upgrading existing […]

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