Category Archives for "Ontario"

A VIA train consist of 4 LRC cars bookended by two F40PHs on a section of dual track
Mar 09

High-Performance Rail Option for Canada

By Transport Action Ontario | Interurban Rail and Bus , Major Reports , Ontario

Transport Action Ontario, in conjunction with the Save VIA citizens’ committee of St. Marys, Ontario, has released an expert discussion paper on high-performance rail passenger service.  It calls on Canada’s new federal government to seriously investigate and consider the high-performance rail approach as a means of quickly and affordably improving VIA’s Quebec-Windsor Corridor service, fighting […]

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Feb 22

Western Ontario Wardens Caucus endorses importance of VIA Rail

By Transport Action Ontario | Interurban Rail and Bus , Ontario

In a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau and Premier Wynne, the Western Ontario Wardens Caucus (WOWC) recognized the importance of VIA Rail to the economy and the vital role it can play in economic and environmental improvements.  The letter references key reports produced by Transport Action Ontario and its affiliates, including our  Network SouthwestPlan, our […]

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Feb 10

Support for Expanding VIA Rail Service Toronto-St Catharines-Niagara Falls

By Transport Action Ontario | Interurban Rail and Bus , Ontario

At a Council meeting on February 8, St Catharines City Council voted unanimously to request that VIA Rail restore effective train service to Niagara.   Transport Action Ontario  submitted a letter and presented a deputation to Council supporting this request.    In our view, both VIA and GO are needed to fully meet Niagara’s needs.   The deputation and […]

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Feb 08

Rail Safety – Letter to Transport Minister Marc Garneau

By Transport Action Ontario | Interurban Rail and Bus , Ontario

Transport Action Ontario is a co-signatory to a letter authored by Safe Rail Communities to the Honourable Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, to follow up on promises made during the election campaign to review rail safety regulations.   Transport Action Ontario has been working with Safe Rail Communities on this important file for over a year.  […]

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