Ontario – Page 16 – Transport Action Canada

Category Archives for "Ontario"

Letters strewn about
May 28

Toronto Council will be without Reliable Fare Information for Key Transit Network Decision

By Transport Action Ontario | Letters , Ontario , Urban Transit

Toronto Council will be voting in July to approve a new rapid transit network.  A cautionary note was sent to key Councillors indicating that the decision should be deferred until Metrolinx-lead work on fare integration is complete. The letter is reproduced below: In July, Council will be asked to approve a conceptual transit network prepared […]

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Apr 20

New Directions – Advancing Southwestern Ontario’s Public Transportation Opportunities

By Transport Action Ontario | Interurban Rail and Bus , Ontario , Urban Transit

Oxford County has developed an advocacy approach to advance Southwestern Ontario public transportation opportunities.  To support this, they have released a “New Direction” public transportation tool kit summarizing the key components required: Partnerships Multi-modal terminals Urban Transit Inter-Community Bus Service GO Transit High-Performance Rail High-Speed Rail   The tool kit and advocacy plan draw heavily […]

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Mar 23

Hamilton Transit Expansion Threatened by Continued Underfunding

By Transport Action Ontario | Ontario , Urban Transit

The January/February, 2016 edition of  Transport Action Ontario’s “Ontario Report” contains an excellent article written by our editor, Tony Turritin, about Hamilton transit.  The article  was picked up by Hamilton’s  “Raise the Hammer” organization,  which modified it slightly and added helpful pictures.    We have decided to make this article a stand-alone entry on our website, […]

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