Category Archives for "Ontario"

Jan 22

Intercommunity Public Transportation for Northern Ontario – New Concepts

By TAO-admin | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News , Ontario

The Ontario Government intends to “review initiatives to meet Northerners’ transportation needs, including passenger rail and bus services”.  Transport Action Ontario and our affiliate, the Northeastern Ontario Rail Network, have sent a joint letter to key cabinet ministers discussing the need for a Northern Ontario intercommunity public transportation planning authority, and submitting six new concepts […]

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Dec 13

VIA Rail selects New Fleet for Quebec-Windsor Corridor

By Transport Action | Intercity Rail and Bus , Ontario

VIA Rail Canada announced on December 12 that Siemens Canada has been selected as the successful bidder in its fleet renewal program for the Quebec-Windsor Corridor. This is a day that Transport Action Ontario and our affiliate organizations have long campaigned for, and we welcome this federal investment in VIA Rail and environmentally responsible transportation. […]

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Nov 27

Alternatives added to the Environmental Assessment for High Speed Rail

By TAO-admin | Intercity Rail and Bus , Latest News , Ontario

Our colleagues in Southwestern Ontario, InterCityRail, have issued a notice about the Environmental Assessment study underway for High Speed Rail.  Transport Action Ontario is very pleased with this development, as it is consistent with our own advocacy over the years.    The notice is pasted below:   InterCityRail Improving rail transportation is a good idea. […]

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Nov 21

Ontario’s 2018 Fall Economic Statement – Mixed Signals on Transportation

By TAO-admin | Highways & Bridges , Interurban Rail and Bus , Latest News , Northern Ontario , Ontario , Urban Transit

On November 15, Ontario released its 2018 Fall Economic Statement (FES). It is a large document covering all aspects of the Province’s operations. It is likely the most significant statement on the government’s intentions until the provincial budget comes out in Spring, 2019. To date, the government has implemented various tax and fee cuts, including […]

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