As polling day for the 2019 federal election draws ever closer, it’s increasingly apparent that two issues are on voters’ minds – cost of living and climate change. Cars are trucks are acknowledged to be a major contributor to greenhouse gases, and good public transport is also key factor in making life convenient and affordable, whether in our cities or in small towns, rural, and northern Canada. In many places, seeing the last bus or train leave town has left communities isolated, hitting women and indigenous Canadians particularly hard. The need and opportunity for Transport Action’s sustainable transportation agenda has never been greater as Canadians go to the polls.
Transport Action is an all-volunteer, non-partisan advocacy organization. Our goal is to promote convenient, affordable and sustainable public transportation for all Canadians. During the current federal campaign we believe it is important – and reasonable – to ask candidates of all political persuasion where they stand on these issues.
Our national board, working with our regional chapters in BC, the Prairies, Ontario, and the Atlantic region, has researched a series of policy briefings on urgent train, bus and ferry service issues, for distribution to parties and candidates during the campaign.
We are pleased to present these policy briefings, under the common theme Ideas in Motion. We encourage you to read and discuss them. If you agree with us that they deserve priority attention, please share them and encourage others to join the cause as well. Don’t miss this opportunity!