Transport Action Canada’s annual general meeting will be held on Saturday, 25 May 2019, at the Bronson Centre, 211 Bronson Avenue, Room 110, Ottawa (see map below), starting at 1 pm.
The president will report on last year’s activities. The 2018 financial statements will be presented for approval. (Members may request copies of the financial statement by email or mail). Directors will be elected for 2019-2020. The present board is nominating members to the board of directors and additional nominations may be made at the meeting.
The Hon. David M. Collenette, PC, formerly Federal Minister of Transport, Defence and Veterans Affairs, Chair of the Mayor of Ottawa’s Task Force on Transportation (2007), and Ontario Special Advisor for High Speed Rail (2015), will be our guest speaker at 2 pm.
Members who are not able to attend in person may appoint a representative (proxy) to vote on their behalf, by email to or by mail to PO Box 858, Station B, Ottawa, ON K1P 5P9. The representative may be the secretary of Transport Action Canada or any member who is attending the meeting. The proxy may be restricted to a particular matter.
Non-members are welcome to attend.