Category Archives for "Quebec"

Traffic in Autoroute 73
May 30

One tunnel or two? The Third Link is a superhighway Québec City doesn’t need

By Harry Gow | Highways & Bridges , Quebec

The recently proposed changes to the Québec Third Link project do not make it any more acceptable, and Transport Action continues to share the concerns of Équiterre, Accès Transports Viables, Trajectoire Québec, the David Suzuki Foundation, Vivre en Ville and the Conseil régional de l’environnement de la Capitale-Nationale who are partners in the Non au […]

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The Mount Royal Tunnel’s southern portal, seen from Montreal Central Station prior to construction of the REM.
Apr 19

Solving the Mount Royal Tunnel problem for High Frequency Rail

By Transport Action | Intercity Rail and Bus , Quebec

The Quebecois phrase sac de noeuds, which literally translates to “bag of knots” accurately describes the complex problem that now confronts the High Frequency Rail project in Montreal. Interoperability with the automated Réseau Express Metropolitan (REM) through the Mount Royal Tunnel will not be possible, despite earlier assurances. While the federal government has announced its […]

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Aug 28

VIA Rail increases corridor services August 30

By Transport Action | Intercity Rail and Bus , National News , Ontario , Quebec

A new schedule takes effect August 30, 2021 that reinstates many train services that has been suspended due to the pandemic, but key connections still are missing in the Quebec-Windsor corridor, so Transport Action has raised these concerns with VIA Rail. There are also no increases planned in eastern and western long-distance services until at […]

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